December 26, 2020

Why Do Spiritual Healers Need Mother’s Name? Are They Doing Black Magic?

There is great confusion among people with regard to many aspects of the spiritual healing practices that roohani amils exercise. I will not be able to talk about them all here, but there is one thing I feel I must address. And that is, what purpose does it serve to ask someone’s name (along with the mother’s name)? Some people are of the opinion that the reason why spiritual healers ask for a mother’s name is because they want to use this information to do black magic. In their opinion, asking for someone’s biodata doesn’t have any positive utility. While there is a rational basis to this claim, all I can say is I wholeheartedly disagree with them. They may be entitled to their opinions but they are not entitled to their own facts. And the fact is that information like someone’s mother can both be used by black magicians […]
December 26, 2020

Do I have Black Magic and Need Spiritual Healing/Ruhani ilaj?

I receive many emails and requests from people asking me to shed light on their situations and what it is they should consider as black magic and what is not. Black magic has some obvious symptoms but the caveat is that many times these symptoms can also have a physiological or medical basis. In that case, it will be a bad idea to execute a spiritual healing process for a problem that doesn’t exist in the first place. I usually don’t talk about these things in quite a detail, but when I do I become very fair. Naturally, you would wonder why a spiritual healer turns down a so-called spiritual patient who wants their services and is willing to pay after all. If someone comes to me with a lot of strange symptoms, wouldn’t it make my job easier to just say “you got badly harmed by black magic and […]
December 26, 2020

Is Using Ruhani/Spiritual Items Allowed in Islam?

There is a great division among Muslims when it comes to using spiritual items for purposes of healing or any other material and spiritual goals in life. What makes me sad sometimes is the fact that most people choose not to think. Those who accept and those who don’t aren’t doing so based on their understanding of the matter but based on what someone tells them or how they observe other people’s stance on the issue. Such people need to think that the intellect — which is the greeted gift from Allah — isn’t meant to be spoiled. When we completely depend on others’ opinions or beliefs in accepting something, we are subconsciously limiting the thinking ability of our own minds. And if we exercised such an approach long enough, we may as well have rickets of the mind. So it’s necessary to question, think, and make sense of the […]
December 25, 2020

Is Using Djinn, Khodam, and MuwakilIs Forbidden In Islam?

This could be a long discussion. There are views on the use of the Djinn, even among Muslims, that are poles apart. Many Muslims are of the opinion that seeking help from Djinns is equivalent to shirk. These people will quote Quranic verses and Hadiths in all kinds of ways, paying less attention to the actual contexts these verses/hadiths were brought forth.  Before I move on and address these issues, let me highlight why we humans do even need to seek help from jinns or any other source besides Allah for that matter? Is seeking help from someone other than Allah haram? Does it matter what it’s that you need someone’s assistance for? In other words, the nature of the act (you need someone’s assistance for) is good or bad. All of these are important questions and by pondering them well alone we could come up with sensible answers. So […]
December 25, 2020

How to Keep Djinns and Demons in Perspective?

When you spend over a decade or so in a field, no wonder people start to look at you as an authority. In spirituality, the idea is not very different. It’s only those who are well experienced who can tell you how things work in the spiritual realm. The realm of djinns and demons is a spiritual realm and if a person doesn’t have a prior understanding and practice of dealing with occult entities, there’s very little they can tell you about. With respect to djinns and demons, there are many misconceptions and still many malpractices that should be avoided by all means. People take Quranic teachings out of context and start indulging in practices that are not allowed in Islam. I will talk about them below, but first, let me shed some light on what djinns and demons are and how they are connected with our world. Djinns are […]
December 25, 2020

What Does The World of the Djinns and Demons Look Like?

This is such an interesting subject and there’s a shipload of material on the internet — most of it fake. The world of the Djinn and Demon is a world very few have access to. It’s not a Disney Land you can buy a ticket for and choose to visit as and when you wish. Those who talk about the djinn universe often come up with cock and bull stories, try to make things interesting and boast as if they know everything. Whenever someone tries to lure you in, what you can do is look at the person’s history: how long have they been practicing spirituality? What’s their knowledge level in the djinn universe? How sensible are their descriptions and the stories they attach to the djinn world? In short, you should get the hang of what their spiritual profiles look like (at least, on the surface of things). I […]
December 25, 2020

Can you discuss jinn/djinn and demon from an Islamic context?

This is an evergreen topic and I have been receiving countless emails on this subject, requesting me to elaborate on jinns, what they can and can’t do, how we should deal with them, and so on. It’s time I should shed some light on the subject and clear many confusion people have around these spiritual entities.  First of all, the concept of djinn is predominantly Islamic. It was the holy book of Quran that revealed information about these abstract entities back in the 6th century, going as far as mentioning their composition and purpose of existence. “And the Jinn He created from a smokeless flame of fire.” [55:15] So accordingly to Quran, Djinns are created from a smokeless flame of fire which, if scientifically viewed, provides evident possibilities why they can be both visible and invisible. Mankind, on the other hand, was made of clay — or the components that […]
December 25, 2020

What are the types of jinn/djinn?

One thing is established that jinns are part of our world. Similar to angels, they are invisible to our eyes but they are the greatest masquerade of all. For the most part, djinns have been responsible for the paranormal activities we humans have been experiencing throughout history. Some spiritualists go as far as to say that all our interactions with spirits, shadow figures, extraterrestrials, and others involve the mysterious Djinn. Little known in the west beyond folk tales, the existence of djinns is deep-seated in the Islamic world. In the Quran there are many accounts of Djinns. Allah says in Surah Al Hijr (verse 27), “And the jinn We created before from scorching fire”; in Surah Rahman (verse 15), “And He created the jinn from a smokeless flame of fire”. In line with these Quranic verses, the holy prophet (PBUH) also said that “The Angels were created from light and […]
December 24, 2020

What is Azaim (AKA Exorcism)?

Exorcism/Azaim is the religious or spiritual act of removing djinns or other occult entities from an individual, or a region, that is believed to be bewitched. The process of exorcism is practiced when a demon or djinn of some kind lives in the body of the person and affects their body and mood. This procedure is practiced by many spiritual healers to rid someone of the evil entity present within them or affecting them in some way. It is done by reciting Islamic supplications or Quranic verses and leaving all in Allah’s hand as only He can cure everyone. This process takes a lot of time, effort and requires full attention of the individual possessed and the spiritual healer performing the exorcism. The Process of Azaim For any treatment to work, the diagnosis of the problem is the basic key. The diagnosis is based on finding out the depth of […]
December 24, 2020

Symptoms That a Child is Possessed

While demon spirits are able to possess anyone, children are particularly vulnerable. What makes the situation worse is that children aren’t as spiritual and physically strong as adults to bear the pain of exorcism and other techniques that are used to drive these entities away. There have been numerous reports of adults (often one of the parents) using extremely dangerous techniques to exorcise fairy spirits, demons, and djinns from their children; these include beating children to death or drowning them in the water and claiming that the intention wasn’t to the hurt the child but to drive the evil spirit away. Such methods are always inhuman and any spiritual healer resorting to these kinds of dangerous practices clearly doesn’t know their job well.     I also want to briefly mention that sometimes what parents/adults consider jinn possession turns out to be a physiological problem. People often don’t know how to […]
December 24, 2020

What are the signs of jinn and demon possession?

Before I go ahead and give you an overview of the symptoms of jinn or demonic possession, let me mention that the existence of jinns and other metaphysical entities isn’t something one can question. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ “I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me.” (Quran 51:56) While Jinns, like human beings, have been created to conduct prayers and carry out good work, they are also independent to do what they will. Their reward and punishment are reprieved until the day of judgment; but as long as they are in this world, they are free to either carry out the good work or wreak havoc. Djinns, like humans, aren’t inherently good or bad but they become one in the process of life. What is unique about these entities though is that their power is far greater and […]
December 24, 2020

What are the different types of possession (by Jinn, demon, and evil entities)?

There are many forms of jinn possession; some of them are transitory, others constant, still others partial or regional. I’m going to go over these different types briefly and explain how they do affect the bodies they possess. Complete Possession: Complete possession is when a jinn or demon possesses the whole body, causing severe problems like seizures. Partial Possession: Unlike complete body possession, partial possession means when an entity possesses some parts or specific organs of the body. Could be an arm, a leg, or even a tongue. Temporary possession: This is the type of possession that lasts for a very short period of time, probably a few minutes or up to an hour at max. It may happen in the day or night, like a bad nightmare. Ta’ifa — Regional Possession: Ta’ifa means “passing by” and it’s called so because the nature of entity possession in this type isn’t […]
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