December 26, 2020

Why Do Spiritual Healers Need Mother’s Name? Are They Doing Black Magic?

There is great confusion among people with regard to many aspects of the spiritual healing practices that roohani amils exercise. I will not be able to talk about them all here, but there is one thing I feel I must address. And that is, what purpose does it serve to ask someone’s name (along with the mother’s name)? Some people are of the opinion that the reason why spiritual healers ask for a mother’s name is because they want to use this information to do black magic. In their opinion, asking for someone’s biodata doesn’t have any positive utility. While there is a rational basis to this claim, all I can say is I wholeheartedly disagree with them. They may be entitled to their opinions but they are not entitled to their own facts. And the fact is that information like someone’s mother can both be used by black magicians […]
December 24, 2020

What is Remote Spiritual Healing?

Remote spiritual healing is the practice of healing people at a distance. The spiritual healer performs amalyat, rituals, and other rites but the physical appearance of the person who needs treatment isn’t needed To understand what distant healing is you will have to understand what such a healing method may consist of. I will try to shed light on what types of problems can be effectively handled with remote spiritual healing. When we talk about remote healing, it’s mainly related to the domain of spiritual healers. You wouldn’t have a doctor treat some physical symptoms sitting in some distant corner of the world. At best, they can listen to your problems and provide suggestions. But, as such, they won’t be able to implement a healing procedure to help you recover from the problem. They have their devices, medical checkups, and all kinds of tests to get to the bottom of […]
December 12, 2020

Black Magic: Effects and Cure

Black magic/witchcraft or ‘sihr’ involves using extraordinary forces to achieve malicious and selfish goals. It’s an evil practice that can make the victim’s life fall apart. Black magic has been around for centuries. Some so-called sorcerers use this magic to attain their selfish gains — to harm other humans or to gain power over someone. Some people hire these sorcerers to perform black magic for them. It could be to gain money or fame, to take revenge on someone, or to make someone suffer because of jealousy. These black magicians then use stones, chantings of devil names and jinns to cast their magic. Black magic is a practice of the devil and it is strictly prohibited in Islam. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Avoid the great destructive sins, shirk and witchcraft (black magic).” (Sahih Al-Bukhari: 5764) Those who perform this evil practice are not beleivers, they go against the teachings of […]
December 3, 2020

Ruqyah Treatment and How it Works

Ruqyah treatment is a practice adopted by many experienced spiritual healers around the world. It is a highly effective spiritual method of healing and involves powerful amalyat, rituals, supplications, and readings from the Holy Qur’ān.  This spiritual treatment has proven to be extremely beneficial for treating illnesses like black magic (sihr), evil eye, djinn possession and many physical and mental ailments. The conditions for the ruqyah to be performed and to be helpful for a person is that one puts his full trust and dependence only on Allah, the ultimate source of all cures. When Allah and His Messenger ﷺ has left Qur’ān and Sunnah for us, why would we need to head somewhere else for our heart and soul’s cure. As narrated in Qur’ān, [al-Isra’ 17:82]:“And We send down of the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism and act […]
November 4, 2020

The Things Spiritual Practitioners Should Know About Conjuration

Are you an aspiring spiritual practitioner who wants to perfect the spiritual art of conjuration? There’s both good news and some depressing reality. I will proceed with the good news first: and that is, every single person has the ability to learn and practice conjuration. The art of conjuration is the art any faithful human being can achieve after going through a certain process. Keep in mind the words “faithful” and “process”. These are both the necessary conditions. One cannot achieve spiritual power without achieving unconditional faith in the power and mercy of the omnipotent and omniscient God first. Believing in Allah (S.W.T) is the first step to believe in the power of spiritual entities and occult phenomena that are beyond the grasp of ordinary humans. The realm of Djinn, Khodam, and Malaik, for example, is the realm of spiritual entities. The very fact that the process of conjuration involves […]
October 21, 2020

Black Magic Healing Procedure: What You Need to Know

In the last post, I talked about what black magic (and related spiritual problems) stems from and why it’s so serious a problem. In this one, I will walk you through the procedure we follow in order to cure black magic. There are three steps and these steps are essentially what we need to follow to spiritually heal the person suffering from black magic. Step One: The Diagnosis An often overlooked step of the process. Spiritual diagnosis is the very first step a spiritual patient needs to go through. As a matter of fact, it’s vital for any type of spiritual problem — not just black magic — because it allows the spiritual practitioner to really get to the crux of the problem. In many cases, the root cause of a spiritual problem appears to be something other than what the patient suspects. The healing process cannot take place nor […]
September 4, 2020

Ruqya Treatment: The Most Effective Spiritual Healing Method

“And We send down in the Qur’ān that which is a cure and a mercy to those who believe”. (Sūrāt al-Isrā, 17:82] Most people look at the Quran as a source of guidance in religious matters only, but the fact is that this sacred book contains guidance and prescriptions to deal with all kinds of social, economical, spiritual, and physical matters. It has the power to heal all kinds of spiritual and physical ailments, chief among them being demon possession, black magic, and evil eye. People don’t often realize that understanding the source of healing is a healing in itself. Those who do, however, find it rather easier to achieve blessings and receive spiritual healing. Allah (SWT) has already made it clear in the holy book of Quran that those who believe will find true healing in the words of their Creator. Now it is up to us whether we […]
August 9, 2020

Removing Jinn and Evil Spirit Possession Through Ruqya

In modern society, the symptoms of Jinn possession may be categorized as parapsychological or paranormal. However, according to the Quran and Sunnah the existence of evil jinn — shaytan — is firmly established. The word jinn has occurred more than 29 times in the Quran and its close synonym “shaytan” (the plural form “shayateen”) has been used more than 80 times! What’s more, there’s a whole surah called Surah al-jinn that talks in detail about jinns and how they can divert believing people from the right path:   “And thus, we have made for every prophet an enemy – devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent.” (Quran Al An’am 6:112). This makes it clear that the existence of these mysterious entities is rooted in the […]
July 4, 2020

How Ruqya Treatment Can Be an Effective Solution to Spiritual and Physiological Problems?

We’ll Help You Achieve One. Ruqya treatment can be used as the primary form of treatment for many types of spiritual and physiological disturbances in an individual. The conditions may range from spiritual disturbances to physiological symptoms such as physical numbness, palpitations, heat sensations, fear of losing control, fear of going crazy, suicidal ideation, and recurring toxic thoughts of death or annihilations, etc. These are such conditions that not only affect the mental and psychological well being of the patients suffering from spiritual diseases but also inevitably affect their families.  Ruqya treatment is one of the most effective forms of spiritual treatment in these scenarios. It essentially involves recitations of invocations that are based on Quranic verses and true prophetic traditions. Among many other small and major requisites, the patient is taught the required incantations for rohani ilaj. The spiritual healer’s essential role is to encourage and guide the patient […]
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