September 4, 2020

Ruqya Treatment: The Most Effective Spiritual Healing Method

“And We send down in the Qur’ān that which is a cure and a mercy to those who believe”. (Sūrāt al-Isrā, 17:82] Most people look at the Quran as a source of guidance in religious matters only, but the fact is that this sacred book contains guidance and prescriptions to deal with all kinds of social, economical, spiritual, and physical matters. It has the power to heal all kinds of spiritual and physical ailments, chief among them being demon possession, black magic, and evil eye. People don’t often realize that understanding the source of healing is a healing in itself. Those who do, however, find it rather easier to achieve blessings and receive spiritual healing. Allah (SWT) has already made it clear in the holy book of Quran that those who believe will find true healing in the words of their Creator. Now it is up to us whether we […]
August 10, 2020

Curing Black Magic, Curse, And Witchcraft/Sihr

Allah (swt) has given mankind the ability to use spiritual powers to attain noble goals, but the world is full of satanic characters who use this very power to attain their own evil objectives. Sihir, black magic, and sorcery are some forms of the misuse of spiritual power. Magicians, sorcerers, and black magic wizards usually specialize in the dark side of this power and employ methods like charms, incantations, and conjurations to cause troubles of serious spiritual and physical nature. Among them include mental disability, accident (or even death), relationship rifts, failure in business and trade, psychological disturbances, and loss of memory to name a few.  How is Black Magic Usually Performed? In most cases, black magic spells are prepared with the help of jinn or some other supernatural entities. These entities are extremely efficient — they can travel fast, shift shapes, move heavy things within seconds, create psychic illusions, […]
August 9, 2020

Removing Jinn and Evil Spirit Possession Through Ruqya

In modern society, the symptoms of Jinn possession may be categorized as parapsychological or paranormal. However, according to the Quran and Sunnah the existence of evil jinn — shaytan — is firmly established. The word jinn has occurred more than 29 times in the Quran and its close synonym “shaytan” (the plural form “shayateen”) has been used more than 80 times! What’s more, there’s a whole surah called Surah al-jinn that talks in detail about jinns and how they can divert believing people from the right path:   “And thus, we have made for every prophet an enemy – devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent.” (Quran Al An’am 6:112). This makes it clear that the existence of these mysterious entities is rooted in the […]
August 8, 2020

Freeing Body From An Evil Spirit Through Azaim/Exorcism

Exorcism or Azaim is an Islamic healing method that concerns the removal of Jinn/Djinn, demons, or evil spirit possessions. It’s different from the Ruqya treatment method in that ruqya treatment is used to summon demons, jinns, or evil spirits by invocations and prophetic rituals and then to instruct them to stop carrying their ill deeds. To understand azaim we have to begin with some contextual knowledge of what jinn/djinns are, where they reside, and how they affect people through their strong demonic power.  Understanding Jinn From the Islamic Context Believing in the existence of jinn is part of the Islamic belief and it’s as rooted in the Muslim faith as the existence of angels and spirits. Derived from the Semitic root, the word jinn is used in Arabic as a collective noun and primarily means “to hide”. The name itself has a meaningful association with the character, in that jinns […]
July 8, 2020

Black Magic Removal Has A Price That Your Spiritual Healer Pays

Many people may be wondering how easy and comfortable a job it is to become a spiritual healer. Many people couldn’t be more wrong. As a matter of fact, putting yourself in the position of a spiritual healer is the most daring and hardworking job you can ever do. The amount of work, study, spiritual amaliyat, and physical hardships (like fastings and sleepless nights) required are so daunting that you won’t even imagine venturing into a role like this. The life of a spiritual healer whose routine responsibility is to deal with people bearing all kinds of black magic, dark influences, and jinn possession is anything but easy and comfortable. This is true if you look at the situation from the standpoint of a spiritual healer. Let me explain it in the light of how I myself, as an experienced spiritual healer, go about dealing with problems of occult nature. […]
July 4, 2020

How Ruqya Treatment Can Be an Effective Solution to Spiritual and Physiological Problems?

We’ll Help You Achieve One. Ruqya treatment can be used as the primary form of treatment for many types of spiritual and physiological disturbances in an individual. The conditions may range from spiritual disturbances to physiological symptoms such as physical numbness, palpitations, heat sensations, fear of losing control, fear of going crazy, suicidal ideation, and recurring toxic thoughts of death or annihilations, etc. These are such conditions that not only affect the mental and psychological well being of the patients suffering from spiritual diseases but also inevitably affect their families.  Ruqya treatment is one of the most effective forms of spiritual treatment in these scenarios. It essentially involves recitations of invocations that are based on Quranic verses and true prophetic traditions. Among many other small and major requisites, the patient is taught the required incantations for rohani ilaj. The spiritual healer’s essential role is to encourage and guide the patient […]
June 17, 2020

Best Spiritual Healer for Black Magic Removal, Curse Removal, and Spell Removal

Change Your Situation and Get the Life You Deserve Diseases can be of many kinds. Although people have no problem acknowledging the presence of diseases that affect human bodies, most of them are unaware or unreceptive of the existence of diseases that have harmful effects on the minds and souls. The essence of spiritual healing is to target all kinds of diseases and get to the heart of what may have harmful effects on the minds, bodies, and souls. In other words, a spiritual healer is concerned with both the inner and outer healings of individuals suffering from spiritual, mental, and physical ailments.  Muhammad Wasim is an expert Islamic spiritual healer. His vast experience in dealing with thousands of spiritual-support seekers around the world enables him to help people get rid of their negative energies, defeat unwanted entities, and cure dark power influences, be it black magic removal, curse removal, […]
June 15, 2020

Ruqya Treatment for Black Magic, Evil Eye, and Demon Possession

Ruqya treatment could be a permissible means of remedy for all types of spiritual and physical illnesses, but it’s particularly effective in the case of spiritual affiliations that are caused by black magic, spell, evil eye, or demon possession. Not everyone may be aware of or willing to use ruqya treatment as a healing method for mental, spiritual, and physical disease. But if people who are suffering from any kind of spiritual and mental diseases use the proper way and with complete sincerity, then no disease can resist the power of ruqya healing therapy. What is Ruqya Treatment? Ruqya treatment is the sacred practice of curing diseases through the power of Quranic verses and invocations. As Allah جل جلاله says in the Quran: “And We send down in the Qur’ān that which is a cure and a mercy for the believers.” (17:81-2) Also, as the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم […]
Brother Wasim Roohani Online Spiritual Help Experts in the Field of Spiritual Healing Paranormal & Occult
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