Ruhani Ilm Courses. Every time your head touches the ground in prayer, premember, it is to remind you to put down that load of ego which bars you from entering the chamber of the Beloved.

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  • The Judgment of God – A Sufi Tale
  • Necklaces of Gems Some Excerpts from Necklaces of Gems: by Shaikh Muhammad ibn Yahya at-Tadifi al-Hanbalion the Marvelous Exploits of the Crown of the Saints, the Treasure-trove of the Pure, the Sultan of the Saints, the Sublime Pivot, Shaikh Muhyi’d-din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (may Allah be well pleased with him). Prologue As for the friends of Allah,  surely no fear shall be upon them, nor shall they grieve. (10:62) [a-la inna awliya’a ‘llahi la khawfun ‘alai-him, wa la hum yahzanun.] In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. The following are the words of Muhammad ibn Yahya at-Tadifi, the poor servant [of the Lord], who acknowledges his sin and his shortcoming, and hopes for a hidden pardon from His tender grace. May Allah forgive his sins, and replace his sins with blessings. Praise be to Allah, who has opened for His saintly friends [awliya’] the paths of right guidance, […]
  • Advice to my students So we have to make sure we are not running after dunya, we must run towards the Prophet ﷺ. Then your heart will have the highest level of imaan and at that time you will reflect whatever is in it and outside it for people to look at. You become a mirror for khalaa’iq people, and at the same time a mirror for yourself. That is a state of sainthood, but you have to struggle for it. O Muslims! Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ ordered us to love each other and to be humble to each other. Pride and arrogance are from the characteristics of Iblees. I’m not here today to teach you your religion, astaghfirullah. I need someone to teach me also; I am a student. I don’t see myself as anything..I’m under the shoes of people; I’m at the footsteps, the threshold of imaams and shuyukh. […]
  • O Muslims! You do dhikr once a week, but do it everyday, every moment! If you do it once, Allah will give you unlimited rewards, depending on what you read. Al-Qushayri (r), one of the greatest scholars who is famous in North Africa, whose books many people study, said, “When the Angel of Death is ordered to take the life of one who remembers Allah, he will take permission from that person before he takes his life;” and he will wait until that person tells him “yes” or “no.” That is the meaning of the hadith of Prophet (s), “If Allah loves His servant and His Servant loves Him, He will take the veils away.” He took the veils from Imam Qushayri (r), and that is how he saw that reality and told people when Malak al-Mawt comes to take the soul of a dhaakir, he will ask him permission […]
  • The stomach is the house of illness. (Arabic proverb) Prophet (s) said: ما ملأ ابن آدم وعاءً شراً من بطنه The son of Adam does not fill any container worse than his stomach. (Tirmidhi) So people say, “I have a stomach ache.” What did you eat? Prophet (s) often told Sahaabah (r) to make sure they reserve one-third of their digestive system for water, one-third for air and one-third for food. He said, “We are a group of people who don’t eat unless we are hungry and we don’t eat to our fill, we leave one-third of the intestine empty.” He said, “The stomach is the house of illness,” because Allah gave him eyes to see what is in the stomach, in which Allah has put all kind of sicknesses and health problems start in your stomach. Just as you have a nervous system, they say there is another in […]
  • The Prophet ﷺ said there is no distinction; anyone who says, “laa ilaaha illa-Llah,” (which also implies, “Muhammadun Rasoolullah,”) if he says it one time with sincerity, all doors of Paradise are opened to that person if he didn’t do any kabeera (major sin). So what do we need better than his good tidings? Yes, we do sin, we sin, but according to this hadith, say, “laa ilaaha illa-Llah” and Allah will change (the sins to goodnesses)! This is hadith of the Prophet ﷺ who is as-Saadiq al-Masdooq, “the Most Trustworthy Person,” (and this is his promise to us)! Say, “laa ilaaha illa-Llah;” that is enough, that is in front of our shaykh, and from him that is conveyed to the Prophet ﷺ! laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah! According to Sufi teachings and the teachings of the Naqshbandi Order, you have to look at everyone as being better than you. […]
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