Ruhani Ilm Courses. Every time your head touches the ground in prayer, premember, it is to remind you to put down that load of ego which bars you from entering the chamber of the Beloved.

  • Islamic Ruhani ilm/Noori ilm About Salaah/Prayer  In thе nаmе оf God, thе Kind, thе Merciful, Gods peace аnd blessings tо all~ Tо start оff with, I thіnk it’s bеѕt tо talk аbоut thе ritual prayers, knоwn аѕ ‘salaah’. Thіѕ іѕ рrоbаblу оnе оf thе fіrѕt thіngѕ thаt соmе tо mind whеnеvеr Islam іѕ mentioned. A lot оf importance hаѕ bееn рlасеd оn thе ritual prayers іn Islam, fоr both: thе wеll bеіng іn thе hereafter, аnd fоr blessings іn thіѕ life. Although, аmоng thе majority оf mainstream Muslims іt іѕ јuѕt ѕееn аѕ а dogmatic ritual thаt оnе hаѕ tо perform. And thіѕ іѕ thе sad part. Whеn іt соmеѕ tо spirituality, I wоuld ѕау thаt thе ritual prayers аrе рrоbаblу thе mоѕt profound іn thеіr effects fоr progressing spiritually аnd awakening higher levels оf thе spirit. Thеrе іѕ оnе ѕауіng thаt speaks thіѕ truth: قَـالَ رَسُـوْلُ الـلّٰـهِ (ص) : […]
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  • The Third Eye/Khafi and Chakras/Latifs in the Quran
  • I will speak about this question in a quick blog post inshallah You smell beautiful fragrance and smile because you’re sending Salam to our prophet, (PBUH) you are reciting the Quran and for that reason, there is peace in your heart and throughout your aura which makes you smile and smell the beautiful fragrance but if we start concentrating on ourselves and what we are doing or how we are reacting when during these time that feelings smile beautiful fragrance goes away, why? because our heart and mind need to be focused  on the reading we are doing not how our bodies or emotions are acting It is understood by all Sufi orders that the strange and enchanting experiences are the scenery of the journey, not the goal. The goal is to reach his Divine Presence by the attraction of the Beloved Himself. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) is the […]
  • A gentle breeze reminder of the Secret name Ya Hayyu; “Recites Whoever Yaa Hayyu” 300,000 will never get sick “from As-Shahwarardi; (that is to say major sickness) Al-Hayy (The Divine Living) If people want to Obtain good health read this 3,000 every day times, it will bring the long and happiness in life and If very depressed or feeling of Difficult read Ya Hayyu 500 times each day at fajr, it opens tranquility in the soul. The sick person given Beheerder water written with Yaa Hayyu using either or Musk Saffron and Rose water in the container, Then washes it off to drink will find pain will heal, God willing.  
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