Ruhani Ilm Courses. Every time your head touches the ground in prayer, premember, it is to remind you to put down that load of ego which bars you from entering the chamber of the Beloved.

  • What is Tazkiyyah?   Attaining purity of the heart is through consistent repentance and maintaining the heart’s purity is through Tazkiyyah. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “There is a piece of flesh in the body. If it becomes good (reformed) the whole body becomes good, but if it gets spoilt the whole body gets spoilt and that is the heart.” [Bukhari]   Tazkiyyah is the process with which we reform our heart. The first step to maintaining a sound and pure heart is to be in the company of the pious and those already with pure hearts. Allah the Supreme teaches us this in the Qur’an: “And keep yourselves familiar to those who call upon their Lord in the morning and evening, seeking his pleasure.” [Surah Kahf: verse 28]   Sayyidi Pir Saqib Shaami (Hafidhahullah) teaches us that “Your heart imitates the company that it keeps.” Thus, […]
  • LATAIF, CHAKRAS AND CHI POWER in Islamic Sufism  
  • “Bismillah, ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim”. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. article for people that I get emails on a regular basis asking for proof for Tasawwuf Sufism  especially  Wahhabism And Salafism Tasawwuf Sufism of the Great Salaf Imam Al- Shafi (R) Imam Shafi`i (r) Al-hafiz al-Suyuti relates in Ta’yid al-haqiqa al-`aliyya that Imam al-Shafi`i said: I accompanied the Sufis and received from them but three words: their statement that time is a sword: if you do not cut it, it cuts you; their statement that if you do not keep your ego busy with truth it will keep you busy with falsehood; their statement that deprivation is immunity.(1)   The muhaddith al-`Ajluni also relates in his book Kashf al khafa wa muzil al albas that Imam Shafi`i said:   Three things in this world have been made lovely to me: avoiding affectation, treating people kindly, and […]
  • Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem “In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful”: As-salaam Alaikum Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh “May the peace of Allah be upon you, and His mercy and blessings this article is for the students that ask me regularly also the public regarding this subject I will try to explain to my best ability inshallah also regarding the subject where did chakras/lataaifs ilm come from inshallah The first topic that I will speak about is the difference between Noorani Ilm And Tassawuf/Sufi ilm Noorani ilm is the use of Quran and no other names no calling on sheikhs, no asking any friend of God ( Awliya Allah) Muslim Saints for help, only doing things from Quran may Allah peace and blessings be upon the Awliya Allah Amen. Tassuawuf ilm is similar in a way but Noorani ilm is more detailed Also the ilm Tasawwuf has been changed by the Sufi of […]
  • dzikir: is continues recitation of some type of reading either Allah’s name or Ayat of the Quran, can be done for various reasons such as to please Allah or even spirituality   Meditation: is just getting yourself in a calm state   Wazifa: is reading specific Ayat of the Quran, or Allah’s name for a certain length of time for a Hajat (wish)   Amliyat: is similar to wazifa but is done with more restrictions and is done for higher spiritual purposes   above information is from my teacher when I was discussing the subject with them alhamdulillah they have many years of experience in the Spirituality/Ruhaniyat field   you can also find different courses that I offer that Specialise in Meditation/Muraqabah dzikir and higher spiritual purposes and Spirituality/Ruhaniyat and Spiritual power + Spiritual abilities inshallah for more information please click here
  •   Ruhaniyat/Spirituality Increasing One month Islamic Sufi course For more information please click here
  •   Ruhaniyat/Spirituality Increasing One month Islamic Sufi course For more information please click here
  • Hazrat Shaykh Wahid Bakhsh Rabbani r.a.   It must be remembered that in the Quran and Hadith we are told that there are two kinds of world, Alam-i-Zahir and Alam-i-Batin, the outer world and the inner-world. God, angels, paradise, hell and souls belong to the inner world (Alam-i-Batin); and this physical universe belongs to outer world (Alam-i-Zahir). It is also mentioned frequently in the Quran and Hadith that things of Alam-i-Batin are often revealed to the prophets and saints. The Quran has also been revealed to the Noble Prophet through Jibril by Batini means. All the Hadith-al-Qudsi are also the result of Batini talk or communication between Allah Almighty and the Noble Prophet. The Quran and Hadith are also full of the accounts of miracles performed by the Prophet and karamaat performed by the Auliya Allah. It is a part of faith in Islam to believe in miracles and Karamaat. […]
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