Roohani/Spiritual Resources

I Perform Ruqyah Strictly According To Quran And Sunnah. My Spiritual Powers Are Pure Islamic. But My Services/Roohanimadad Is For All Mankind.

My Duty Is To Help All Humans Who Need Peace And Spiritual Support/Roohanimadad.

“Service to Mankind is service to God”

  • Using Djinn / Jinn / Khodam / MuwakilIs Is it forbidden In Sunni Islam?  Bismillah il-Rahmaan ir-Raheem, As-salamun ‘alaikum wa rahmatollah wa barakhatuh dear brothers and sisters, Here, I will present to you the ruling of being served (i.e helped) by the Muslim Jinn in permissible acts and deeds, inshaAllah Let us start from the first issue… (Chapter) The Ruling about being served by the jinn It is clear that Allah granted the Prophet Solomon a dominion that no one will be given after him, due to his supplication. If a human is being obeyed by the jinn, not by mastery over them, but by their own pleasing, is this considered permissible? Ibn Taymiyyah has written a response to this question: Jinn, with humans, are in different situations. If one orders the jinn to what Allah and His Messenger has ordered from the worship of only Allah and obedience to […]
  • EXPELLING Djinn/jin/Demon/evil spirit FROM ONE’S BODY WITH THE Holy QURAN Assalam-o-Alikum, If a person has been possessed by a jinn and faces certain problems due to this, then in such a case he may head out straight for some Spiritual Healer/Exorcist/Amil. But sometimes it so happens that the jinn cunningly leaved the body of the victim ,when he consults an Spiritual Healer/Exorcist/Amil. So the Spiritual Healer/Exorcist/Amil denies the presence of any jinn in the victim’s body. Alhamdulillah I have a method that will be able to find out even if it leaves the body. Then the victim takes the second route and starts visiting doctors ,ending up wasting his time ,money and energy. So in such situations when jinns hide themselves and don’t come out in front of Spiritual Healer/Exorcist/Amil ,I am telling you the procedure of dealing with such jinns. This amal is meant only for the Muslims. If […]
  •   Ruhaniyat/Spirituality Increasing One month Islamic Sufi course For more information please click here
  •   Ruhaniyat/Spirituality Increasing One month Islamic Sufi course For more information please click here
  • Ruhani Ilm is the Quran, many people have changed Ruhani Ilm and made it Quran Ayats with names of Jinn this is not Ruhani ilm because now you are changing the Quran around and adding names of jinn there is 2 kind of healers 1. who use Talisman/Taweez/, Hijab, easy Talisman/Taweez/Hijab with odd words and symbols that they have no idea what it means.   2. Then there is a healer who spends years and years just how to learn to make one Talisman/Taweez/Hijab and that Talisman/Taweez/Hijab is made with pure Quan Surah and or Ayat no odd names, no symbols no magical squares just Surah this is the method that my teacher uses alhamdulillah. the second way is hard to learn and long so many many people don’t learn this, this method is real Rohani Ilm the original Rohani Ilm but Rohani ilm of today Taweez/Talisman/Hijab has been changed […]
  •   Ruhaniyat/Spirituality Increasing One month Islamic Sufi course For more information please click here  
  • Hazrat Shaykh Wahid Bakhsh Rabbani r.a.   It must be remembered that in the Quran and Hadith we are told that there are two kinds of world, Alam-i-Zahir and Alam-i-Batin, the outer world and the inner-world. God, angels, paradise, hell and souls belong to the inner world (Alam-i-Batin); and this physical universe belongs to outer world (Alam-i-Zahir). It is also mentioned frequently in the Quran and Hadith that things of Alam-i-Batin are often revealed to the prophets and saints. The Quran has also been revealed to the Noble Prophet through Jibril by Batini means. All the Hadith-al-Qudsi are also the result of Batini talk or communication between Allah Almighty and the Noble Prophet. The Quran and Hadith are also full of the accounts of miracles performed by the Prophet and karamaat performed by the Auliya Allah. It is a part of faith in Islam to believe in miracles and Karamaat. […]
  • The Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Faith wears out in the heart of any one of you just as clothes wear out, so ask Allah to renew the faith in your hearts” (Mustadrak al-Haakim).  Our Iman is not always as sound and as strong as we want it to be, as it often fluctuates according to life circumstances and situations. Sometimes our hearts will be illuminating full of imaan and other times our hearts will be devoid of much iman. There are occassions such as a funeral or the month of Ramadan when our hearts get a regular fill of imaan and other occassions like worldly events or work etc where our heart is devoid of much needed iman. Regardless of the cause, it is crucial for all of us to keep a regular check on our Iman and if we feel it is faltering in any way then we should […]
Brother Wasim Roohani Online Spiritual Help Experts in the Field of Spiritual Healing Paranormal & Occult
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