In a world that is increasingly getting chaotic and anxiety-producing, the homes we live in provide solace and spiritual protection. It’s where we recharge our batteries, get a good night’s sleep, and turn the noise off that’s coming from the outside world. If that’s true, we should leave no stone unturned in honouring our homes and protecting them from negative influences that are hard to avoid when you step out into the world of masses. We should take care of our homes against any impending dangers that are spiritual in nature. And by spiritual dangers I mean metaphysical phenomena that surface in the form of negative energy, entity possession, and black magic among others. Each of these problems has consequences on our lives and how we function outside the spheres of our homes. If our lives are spiritually affected (in negative ways), chances are that we won’t be able to function optimally; chances are that we’ll suffer from anxiety and depression; and chances are that we will run into unprecedented events that have negative bearings on our lives and, possibly, on the lives of those we love.  


It’s this reason why many of my spiritual items are dedicated to providing spiritual protection of strong nature. I have many talismans on individual protection and they have been performing quite well, Alhamdulillah. This time around, I felt the urgent need to provide a spiritual item that helps people protect their houses from negativity, black magic, evil eye, and demon influences. According, this talisman is the result of many months of efforts and spiritual fortifications. My teacher (who has over three decades of experience in the spiritual domain) and I have been working on this item with complete dedication and a singularity of purpose. Now that it’s ready, I’m glad to talk about it and invite you to obtain one for your home. The spiritual energy that has gone into its making is so powerful that it will shield your house against any form of undesirable interference, be it entity possession, evil eye, or black magic — InshAllah. 


Why crystal?

To get a better sense of why this talisman is so powerful, you also need some context around the material it’s made up of. The home protection amalyat and rituals I’m talking about aren’t housed in materials of subtle (or spiritually insensitive) nature. They are infused in Crystal which is by far the strongest and spiritually retentive material one may ever consider. Crystals have been around for a long, long time now. The reason why they are deemed so effective is that they come with absorption, retention, and emission power not common in other forms of materials and stones. If you’re conversant with spiritual items, you already know that not every material has the potential to house amalyat and rituals that are extremely powerful in nature. From a spiritual standpoint, some materials are weak and brittle, rendering them incapable to absorb and retain spiritual energy for a long period of time. 


Every home protection talisman requires amalyat, rituals, and supplications that are very powerful in nature. Therefore, the only way spiritual practitioners can ensure their energy remains intact is by housing them in a material that’s just as powerful and impregnable (from a spiritual standpoint). Moreover, crystals have their own aesthetic value. They are beautiful and they give off a positive appeal whenever you look at them. 


Crystals are a tool modern spiritual practitioners are obsessed with. They’re millions of years old and ancient cultures have been using them for centuries. If that’s true, I don’t think they need any introduction (especially to spiritual healers who practice energy healing and reiki). There are countless benefits crystal embody on their own. But they are imbued with power amalyat and rituals, their effectiveness goes through the roof. Crystals, among many other things, are generally used by spiritual healers for purposes such as the following:


  • To Protect Homes from Negative Influences 
  • To Cleanse Negative Energy 
  • To Cleanse Aura
  • To Provide Spiritual Protection 
  • To Cleanse Chakra
  • To Help in Succeed in Meditation 
  • To Open up Chakra 
  • To Balance Chakra 
  • To Provide Spiritual Healing 
  • To Remove Depression and Anxiety 
  • And so on. 


I also want to clear one more thing and that is: what type of crystal should you get? Crystals come in various sizes, colors, and shapes and each type can be used to serve a specific purpose. The type of crystal you use for healing physical issues, for example, will not be the same as the type you’d use for addressing spiritual imbalances and problems related to one’s aura. Sure, crystals naturally come with a host of benefits (many of them described above) but it’s also important to know that not all crystals are equally effective for the specific aura and energy level of an individual. In other words, the crystal your spiritual healer chooses has to be compatible with your spiritual profile and aura. The choice of material is very important as not any random/off-the-shelf crystal is going to get the job done. This is where you need the assistance of an experienced spiritual practitioner like myself. InshAllah, I will find the right crystal that aligns with your aura and energy level (in terms of colour, shape, and other qualities) and then proceed with the amalyat. 


The turnaround time for the Home Protection Crystal is 21-25 days. I will need your full name and your mother’s full name along with your picture and date of birth. Please leave these details in the notes section of the order. 


I want to emphasize that, while this Spiritual item is truly remarkable and holds great power—Alhamdulillah—it should not be assumed that possessing it will instantly resolve all your issues. This item serves as a significant tool to help you, but only if it is Allah Subhana Wa Tala’s will. Ultimately, remember that if Allah Subhana Wa Tala has not decreed something to occur, then nothing in existence can bring it about.


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