information on Roohani/Spiritual Entities

  • Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim, in the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. When we are giving a Quran Surah or Quran verse Amliyat/Ritual for treatment or Spiritual Courses we get many people saying we have already done this reading  it does not work etc   inshallah, I will try to explain The reading that people are doing and have done they have no Spiritual Relationship with the Khodam Angelic entities assigned to the Quran Surah or Quran verse so they will not be as effective to be able to fully utilise without permission the full power of the Quran Surah or Quran verse you have to be at a very high Spiritual/Ruhaniyat level and very pious individual.   When we give you permission for a Quran Amliyat/Ritual you get the Spiritual Assistant of the Khodam on top of that we are doing Rituals/Amliyat fighting back using different entities destroying the Magic we […]
  • below is a conversation that I had with an individual what did not have a teacher and he was practising the spiritual path people will understand after this why it is so dangerous person can have many spiritual problems and the most important thing in life they can lose their religion the evil Jinn and devils are very clever how they misguide takes many years of experience and training to understand when The Entity is Miss guiding you when one starts getting communication with entities at the higher state of spirituality.entities pretending to be so pious pretending to be angels even prophet Muhammad astaghfirullah the Devil’s place many traps in your spiritual path. without a proper teacher protecting you and guiding you you are doomed.there are many other people who come to me this is just one example below. Alhamdulillah I was able to save this individual below just […]
  • Today inshallah I will speak about a topic that I receive emails on Conjuring Qareen / Hamzaad And doing Amliyat to capture Qareen / Hamzaad. Hamzaad (Qareen ) is the demon permanently assigned to each person during his/her life whose job is to seduce human beings. Allah Almighty says: “His Companion will say: “Our Lord! I did not make him transgress, but he was (himself) far astray.” (Qaf: 27) i.e. the devil assigned to seduce him will say: “My lord! It was not me who seduced him at the beginning, but it was he himself who preferred blindness to guidance. So, I helped him achieve his goal through seduction.” 36. If anyone withdraws himself from the remembrance of ((Allah)) Most Gracious, We appoint for him an evil one, to be an intimate companion to him. Sura Az-Zukhruf (36) In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) tells us that […]
  • Using Djinn / Jinn / Khodam / MuwakilIs Is it forbidden In Sunni Islam?  Bismillah il-Rahmaan ir-Raheem, As-salamun ‘alaikum wa rahmatollah wa barakhatuh dear brothers and sisters, Here, I will present to you the ruling of being served (i.e helped) by the Muslim Jinn in permissible acts and deeds, inshaAllah Let us start from the first issue… (Chapter) The Ruling about being served by the jinn It is clear that Allah granted the Prophet Solomon a dominion that no one will be given after him, due to his supplication. If a human is being obeyed by the jinn, not by mastery over them, but by their own pleasing, is this considered permissible? Ibn Taymiyyah has written a response to this question: Jinn, with humans, are in different situations. If one orders the jinn to what Allah and His Messenger has ordered from the worship of only Allah and obedience to […]
  • I will speak about this question that I get asked so many times in email people that want to do spiritual healing they want the entity to do spiritual work for them they do not want to learn knowledge about healing they think it is easier just having an entity and ordering it to do spiritual work I wish it was that simple but unfortunately it is not.   I’m going to ask the question to people Why do you think people spend 20 or 30 years or more trying to get Muwakil or Jinn but fail? they do one amliyat after another for years but they get nothing. Why? Not because they did the Amliyat wrong, it is because they were not qualified enough to have a jinn or a Muwakil, of course, they get credit from Allah for doing the Quranic reading Alhumdullila   My teacher knows many […]
Brother Wasim Roohani Online Spiritual Help Experts in the Field of Spiritual Healing Paranormal & Occult
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