Ultimate Spiritual Ruqya Healing oil
July 4, 2017Ruhaniyat (Spiritual Power) Increasing Akik Ring
July 8, 2017Spiritual Meditation/Muraqaba (مراقبة) oli – tool for enhancing and opening Chakras/Lataifa
Spiritual Meditation oil – a tool for enhancing and opening Chakras/Lataifa
Meditation/Muraqaba is an important activity in the life of every person that has both spiritual and worldly benefits. It can serve as a means for proffering lasting solutions to difficult problems. Meditation/Muraqaba is one of the most important aspects of an Islamic lifestyle. This is due to the fact that when somebody accepts Islamic religious, he/she does that due to the conscious recognition of the oneness of Allah. Meditation/Muraqaba helps to connect the body and mind with the world around and within us. It has been shown that it has health benefits which include lowering of heart rate and lower level of stress. Unfortunately, distractions sometimes make meditation/muraqaba session very challenging, this can make it very difficult for people to achieve the expected results of their meditation/muraqaba. In view of this, the spiritual meditation/muraqaba oil has been introduced to help people achieve a calm and relaxed mind during meditation/muraqaba.
The spiritual meditation/muraqaba oil is very helpful during meditation/muraqaba. It wards off distraction that occurs during meditation/muraqaba and makes people be more focused and relaxed during meditation/muraqaba. With this oil, the best meditation/muraqaba can be achieved thereby opening and enhancing one’s chakras/Lataifa. It has been an important spiritual part of many religions and cultures throughout history.
One of the reasons why spiritual meditation oil is becoming popular among people that constantly engage in spiritual meditation is the fact that it opens or enhances the chakras/Lataifa during meditation/muraqaba. Some of the Chakras/Lataifa that spiritual meditation/muraqaba oil will open during meditation/muraqaba are;
Seven Chakras to Be Opened By Spiritual Meditation Oil during Meditation/Muraqaba:
- Root Chakra: The root chakra is often regarded as the most important chakra as it is the foundation of the chakra system. It is the proper functioning of the root chakra is a prerequisite for living a fulfilling life. Once this chakra is damaged, it causes multitudes of problems that make it very difficult or impossible to find one’s proper place in the world. This is why it is important to always apply the spiritual meditation oil during meditation as it will help to enhance this chakra and make it to function more effectively and contribute towards the activation of one’s ability to see things beyond the ordinary.
- Sacral Chakra: The sacral chakra is associated with emotion, sensuality and creativity. The element of this chakra is water; therefore it is characterized by flow and flexibility. The sacral chakra’s function is directed by the principle of pleasure. Sometimes most people don’t have control over their emotion and their creativity is questionable. This is due to the fact that their sacral chakra has not been opened and enhanced. In view of this, it is important to always apply spiritual meditation oil during meditation as this will gradually help to open and enhance the sacral chakra and gives people control over their emotion and enhance their creative ability.
- Solar Plexus: The chakra is the centre of our personality, ego and identity. It is the centre of the willpower that gives the perception of who we truly are. People that have not been able to develop these chakras sometimes have low self-esteem and ego problem. However, when the spiritual meditation oil is applied during meditation, it will enable you to open this power and make good use of your will power. In other words, when this chakra is enhanced you will have the ability to sense your personal power, be confident and above all become more reliable.
- Heart Chakra: The heart chakra is what instigates compassion, sincerity, love and accepting others and yourself. This is important in order to maintain a very good relationship with people. When spiritual meditation oil is being used during meditation, the heart chakra will be opened and enhanced. In other words, this chakra will become more active and people will be more sincere, lovely and compassionate towards others when the spiritual oil is being applied during spiritual meditation.
- Throat Chakra: This chakra is the fifth chakra and it is the first spiritual chakra in the hierarchy. When this chakra is opened, it makes people to communicate the inner truth and say it the way it is. It is important to note here that authentic expression is not something that comes easily. This is because people with this chakra don’t say things tactfully or diplomatically, rather they say it the way they are even if it involves hurting anybody. With spiritual meditation oil, this chakra can be opened and gives you the energy to seek the knowledge that is truly beyond the limitation of time and space.
- Third eye: The third eye is the sixth chakra that is located in the forehead. It is the centre of intuition and foresight. Once this chakra is opened, you will be able to see things beyond the physical world. One of the unique features of this chakra is the fact that it gives the ability to people to explore the unseen world and become aware of both physical and spiritual worlds. It gives the ability to see the truth in some cases. When spiritual meditation oil is applied during meditation, you can open and enhance this chakra. This will enable you to explore the unseen world around us.
- Crown Chakra: This chakra is the centre of trust, devotion, inspiration, happiness and positivity. It brings about a deeper connection between us and life forces that are deeper than us. This chakra disperses universal energy into the other six chakras. It connects us to the universe and the diverse source of the creature. When this chakra is opened, it gives people unity and conscious realization of the fact that everything is connected at a fundamental level. In order to unlock this chakra, it is advisable to apply spiritual meditation oil during meditation. This will help you to open the chakra and makes use of the great power that goes with the chakra.
Spiritual Meditation oil is generally very difficult to make as it takes 10-14 days to be prepared the different oils that I use are from different places from the Middle East they are very expensive due to the fact they are very hard to find once they are found they must be the correct potency alhamdulillah I have access to them then Rituals / Amulets must be done to Empower the oil. the bottle contains 3 ml of oli a very small amount needs to be applied it will last for a very long time as it is very effective and Powerful alhamdulillah.
The power of spiritual meditation/muraqaba oil during meditation can never be overemphasized. It helps to ward off distractions, bring about calm and relaxed mind above all helps to unlock or open the seven chakras/Lataifa that will make you be more spiritually active and powerful.
Please Note: Product picture is just for display purposes only
Please understand, regardless of how amazing and Powerful this custom-made Oli is Alhamdulillah this custom-made oil is a powerful means to assist you if Allah Subhana Wa’Tala wills. Lastly and most importantly, If Allah Subhana Wa’Tala does not will for something to happen, then nothing in this world or any other can make it happen.