Spirituality and oneness are deep-seated within our being. But there are very few people who are able to tap into them and harness their marvelous power. What does it mean to cultivate roohaniat or a deeper sense of oneness? It means to dive deep into the ocean of spirituality and come back with a newer and richer perspective on life. Most people treat spirituality very casually. They think it’s not a matter of conscious efforts but rather a matter of destiny. Most people couldn’t be more wrong.
Spirituality is a process and you cannot elevate yourself to the higher echelons unless you change your perspective around it and start putting in the work. It’s only through a deeper level of spirituality you can cultivate a cohesive sense of oneness and thereby transform your life (and the lives of those closest to you). Spirituality has its stages and climbing those stages isn’t easy — not is it impossible to climb. If your gut or an external voice tells you that spirituality not your cup of tea, don’t listen to them. Don’t listen to the naysayers (even if it comes from within) when it comes to your spirituality, your humanity, and other higher values of life. Your spirituality is your asset and you have all the reason to guard it, build upon it, and let it drive your life in a positive direction.
As a spiritual healer, a large portion of my life is invested in helping people start and remain committed to the journey of spirituality. It’s half a test of one’s will power and half one’s approach to spirituality. Both the elements of hard-work and spiritual method are important. You can’t take one of these two factors out of the equation and expect to attain the end goal. Hard work is important and so are the methods you consider to help you improve your spirituality and rohaniat.
The spiritual guidance course is for individuals who want to learn from me and who wish to further their spirituality using the most potent methods I will teach throughout the course. You will receive my full support, guidance, spiritual protection, as well as the blessings of my spiritual entities to help you on your journey. To ensure that positive changes are happening and you’re on the right track, you will email me every month, outlining your experiences and the overall progress in attaining spirituality. Accordingly, I will assist you in overcoming any shortcomings and build on your spirituality. Every month, I will also be suggesting specific zikr, amalyat, and readings to be carried out to help speed up the process of spirituality.
To be eligible for this service you must have taken a basic course on spirituality (from me) and now you wish to further your progress on the spiritual journey. Please note there is only a limited number of students I can accommodate and that number happens to five only. I wish to accommodate more students in one batch, but since the process requires my due diligence and personalized attention, I will only be taking on 5 students at a time. What this means is that I will not be offering this course for more people to join until I ensure that those students have reached their full spiritual potential, InshAllah. When we talk about roohaniat or spirituality, the process requires an incessant amount of spiritual work in the form of amalyat, rituals, and supplications. As a result potential risks also arise, and as a spiritual teacher, it’s my responsibility to keep my students protected and carry out a log of spiritual work in the background to ensure they are successful in their pursuit. I’m an experienced amil but even an experienced amil can bear only so much. To ensure there’s still space available, please contact me before purchasing the service.
I will also need to make sure that you’re eligible for my course. The demand for this spiritual course being very high and the process requiring extreme dedication from students, I can only take in students who are spiritually driven, dedicated, and willing to put in the time and efforts it needs to achieve higher levels of spirituality. Any student who becomes a part of this course is going to have to be fully committed to doing their part. If that didn’t happen, it would be as if you wasted your money and I wasted my time. I know the only thing I am short of is time. My time is very precious to me and the last thing I would want is to waste it after some vain pursuits. Any student who is not serious about the course is going to waste time as well as create more work that I’ll be doing in the background — for their safety and success.
If you are a committed student, by all means, contact me. I would love to bring you onboard and work on your spirituality so that, towards the end of the course, you could find yourself a better, firmer, and spiritually more powerful human being than when you came in, InshAllah. When Allah (SWT) wills, everything become possible and your spirituality/rohaniat is not exception.
(this service is for my students who are already taking courses with me and have taken a course for at least 1 year.)
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