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Cut And Release Negative Etheric And Psychic Cords

(7 customer reviews)

Energetic attachments can be formed between Individual, whether it be a brothers and/or sisters, a person’s father or mother, ex-spouse or lover, child, close best friend or fellow worker, or even your present spouse or partner,


Energetic attachments can be formed between Individual, whether it be a brothers and/or sisters, a person’s father or mother, ex-spouse or lover, child, close best friend or fellow worker, or even your present spouse or partner, that turmoil our emotional and physical bodies and entire Spiritual energy field Around us. These attachments are recognized as etheric cords and they are Spiritual  energy links (fear based), a bit like tubes, that can form between the two of you. These tubes extend from chakra to chakra, depending on the type of attachment formed.

As a result, if the other Individual is having a bit of a hard time, they can draw upon your Spiritual energy accessible for their own needs, leaving The individual feeling tired and drained.

Please be confident that cutting these cords in no way diminishes your relationships with others Individual.
Your psychic and intuitive connection will still be the same; it just releases the dysfunctional energy drain that can be a part of close relationships, thus enhancing love in present relationships, and allowing you to let go of old ones.
This service will not only clear these cords but the emotions attached as well. I use theta healing, angel healing and reiki for cord and hook removal

Symptoms of heavy cording are:
• Unable to move Forward
• Unable to stop thinking or obsessing about a Individual
• Frequent conversations in your mind with a Individual
• Frequently recurring what they said to you in the past, feeling their ongoing judgment or criticism
• dispute, sometimes daily in your mind with someone (these can be actual psychic arguments)
• Constant reminder or emotions that arise – i.e. we used to watch that show together
• desire to go back to a relationship that does not serve you
• Constant Stalking another online through social networking, watching them compulsively
• Unable to rest, or endless processing of the past
•  deeply inwardly feelings of sadness, anger, and depression around the past
• Feelings of  Constant wanting to get revenge, or constantly aware of unfair treatment
• Crying a lot, an emotional wreck
• Turning away other offers and invitations, stuck in the past, feeling uninterested

What can you expect once the Negative Etheric And Psychic Cords are cut?
In easy terms, you can expect to find your mind no longer dwells upon the Individual as the Negative Etheric And Psychic  attachment has been dissolved. Your mind at peace, calmer and it is will be like cleaning out a old closet – all those old emotions associated with the Individual dissolve as the communication between you ends with the individual. You now have Much more space in your mind to fill with something   Much better, and you will certainly be clearer in intent.

Imagine the freedom of choice you can feel having that extra peace of brain, letting go of the unwanted Negative baggage, not to Forget being Completely free of the emotionally as well. If this sounds too good, you may be Thinking why don’t Everyone do this on a regular basis, why don’t Everyone know about this? The reason is simply we are never Informed. In a world where we tend to believe in only what we see,With our physical eyes such psychic cords of attachment go unnoticed and so we tend to carry unwanted Negative energy and connections around with us many more years than we need to  unfortunately.

When you do a Negative Etheric And Psychic Cords  cutting on the etheric cords that bind you, the above listed symptoms lift alhamdulillah.

With Whom Should We Cut Negative Etheric And Psychic Cords with?
You can cut Negative Etheric And Psychic Cords with any Individual who is bothersome to you psychically. This is to say anyone who sends you strong energy and who intrudes on your thoughts and emotions On a regular basis even when you are alone. If you are done with a Individual but find they always intrude on your thoughts and you can feel them around you or in your mind, you can cut the connection by cutting the etheric Negative Etheric And Psychic Cords that attach the both of you Inshallah.

Some Individuals with strong sexual bonds can find relief here as well by disconnection your sexual chakra to theirs, if such a bond was once formed. If an old flame was harmful or hurtful to you in Any way, being free on all levels is incomparable. You literally proceed on and a new space is formed around you. You can then proceed to fill that free space with more amiable and pleasant thoughts and feelings Of someone else.

You can also cut the Negative Etheric And Psychic Cords with any Individual who has abused you, either physically or emotionally In the past. Victims of any Criminal act (beating, rape, Including bullying) can form bonds with the perpetrators that continue on energetically, even long after the crime Have occurred. Cutting these Negative Etheric And Psychic Cords bonds will help healing that much faster. This will help you to release the pain and clear out your energy field or aura of that trauma Occurred in the past.

ALL SERVICES ARE DONE VIA REMOTE.Once purchased I will need name – DOB – pic.

Please note the service is not provided by us this is from a friend of mine what is a certified Reiki Master Alhamdulillah as we just do not have the time to provide it as we are busy with other services They are using my website to provide their services inshallah. Protection Status

7 reviews for Cut And Release Negative Etheric And Psychic Cords

  1. Iqbal Abedin

    Alhamdulillah! Allah(swt) has guided me to this site and given me shifa via using Roohanimadad as the means.I was suffering from severe anger and hatred issues with ex-‘friends’ for a very long time.I must say I was skeptical at first thinking this is too good to be true but Allah(swt) the all merciful and gracious had answered my duas and directed me to this site for healing.May Allah(swt) preserve Roohanimadad spiritual healers for a long time INSHA ALLAH.

    Iqbal Abedin

  2. sarfaraj khan


  3. your sister in Islam

    Alhandulilah alot of negative chords were clinging on to me so strong so I listed all the people who I wanted to forget. All the athiests who I lived with at university and who ditched me when I became mentally ill.

    Also, there were family who were clinging on to me because of my wealth. And also, a muslima who believes she is alone and wore the hijab for me but then found out about my condition and made dua for me, but couldnt handle my condition.

    The point is, that this service works 100%. And now it has been over 3 months and i have moved on so much. Remember this does not affect relationships in a negative way but allows you to move forward and get closer to your Lord.

    Alhamdulilah rb alameen


    your sister in Islam

  4. your brother in Islam

    This is the second time I have used the Roohani Online Spritual Help website and its services.

    I purchased the negative etheric and psychic chord service, for the second time as I have been very affected very negatively from life in a Non-Muslim nation. Again it has worked alhamdulilah. And I purchased the align and strengthen Chakra’s and I felt the positive energy flowing through my body. I have not been able to write like this for a long time to express how I am actually thinking and feeling. I will come back to this website soon as I feel I need more assistance in my life.

    I also read the service about Jinn and Shaytan and watched the video on their website. I did as stated on the website, I prayed to Allah subhana wa ta’ala and then, I read Durood Shareef x11, then surat al nas x11 and then Durood Shareef 11x again. Alhamdulilah I felt the Shaytan and Jinn leave me instantly. I also watched the video which was found on the site and it explained that the worst kind of Shaytan is the one which whispers to you when you perform wudu and tries to confuse you, telling you, you have done it wrong etc. This is what I experienced and after doing what was stated from Roohani Online Spritual Help, alhamdulilah it was removed. As, stated on the site, there can be some Jinn and Shayateen which hold on stronger on to the person (Please read more on the service on the website and watch the video). I do not know much about this and I advise you ask Roohani Online Spiritual Help for advice before doing as I did. They reply very fast and are sincere in their service. This is real spiritual help and it has made allowed me to find myself and realise what was happening to me. Alhamdulilah Rb Al-Alameen (Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds). If you are on this site you are most likely searching for a real service of spiritual help and alhamdulilah Roohani Online Spiritual Help is providing us with ways of curing and reviving our selves in a completely Islamic way.

    Thank you for the wonderful and blessed work you carry out.

    To my brothers and sisters in Islam, pray to Allah subhana wa ta’ala and supplicate with Dua, he will guide you if you are sincere in your Dua.

    your brother in Islam.

  5. dave_sarraz2005

    I’ve been a victim of black magic by my family I feel much better and stronger than before and i don’t have evil thoughts thank you for your help and blessed work

    • RoohaniOnlineSpiritualHelp

      Alhamdulillah all thanks to Allah

  6. Adib

    As-salam aleykom

    I have contacted the Sheikh few days ago concerning my issues regarding negative emotional attachement and Alhamdullilah he gave me all the information necessary. I told him that I was always thinking about a person. Even after a year without seeing the person it would still invade my mind even when I was in another country and it was really draining. I asked if the cutting was only specific to a person or an event or can it be a general treatment. Alhamdullilah he told me it can be general. I prefered the general because I felt that I was also tied to negative attachements from the past whether it is to people or events making it really hard for me to move on in my life.

    After the purchase maybe one day after when I woke up in the morning I felt light but it was so subtle. I wanted to contact the Sheikh to tell him that I felt lighter and that person wass fadding from my mind subhanAllah. But I was not really sure I though that it was only in my mind like a placebo effect. The next day I was sure it was the treatment because I felt even better and lighter. I remember before sleeping in my bed my mind was like empty but in a peaceful way. The next day I received an email from the Sheikh confirming that the treatment was finished and my energy was washed. Till today I am amazed by the results especially for the price it is really bargain. I am thankful to Allah for bringing me to the Sheikh to help me. Amazing treatment I feel incredibly released alhamdullilah .

  7. Aisha

    I was going through some serious problems one of the hardest trials I have ever faced so far in my life and my head was so heavy with worry anxiety and stress. I didn’t know if I was coming or going I was like a walking empty shell that couldn’t even think properly. I hadn’t slept for weeks maybe like 3 hours max at most. I still had little children to take care of with no clue how I was going to do it all. I was constantly ruminating about what had happened the conversation that lead to the event and all that was said. The constant ruminating meant I could not function. I came across this service I just wanted to try anything to feel a little better. I was told it would take 2 days. However like the next day in the evening I was sitting down and I promise I felt this heaviness lift from me I had this clarity in my mind I went and prayed to Allah to see me and my children through this. I wondered later in the night if they had carried the service out already. It was the first time in over a month I had slept more than 6 hours and the most peaceful sleep I felt so light and happy when I woke up even my little one noticed. The next day I got a message to say it had been completed. I asked when and they told me in the evening. So I knew it wasn’t a placebo effect. SubhanAllah this service I would never have tried in my life I would have most likely laughed it off about whether it works if someone had told me before.

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