Powerful Ritual Protection Oil


Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem (In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful). Wala Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah aliyil Azeem (There is no power except that which is with Allah)


Certain reinforcements are needed when looking to embark on a ritual irrespective of the intentions. When performing either a good or bad ritual, there is a call for the use of certain elements to protect oneself from spiritual attacks or to at least strengthen one especially when the ritual to be performed is very powerful.


Ritual Protection Oils are essential when one is set to carry out any ritual tasks that may extend a particular period before results are produced. These oils will ensure that the ritual aura continues to flow even in cases where the rites and rituals are temporarily paused. Ritual oils can also be used to anoint other substances to be used during or after the ritual or totems and talisman that serve crucial purposes to the success of the ritual. Items such as candles, rings and jewellery and other things that share the same purpose of the ritual.

Ruqyah uses also exist for protection oils; Ruqyah is a method of spiritual treatment or protection in Islam that involves the use of spirituality and the Quran to cure ailments while establishing a firm basis that all treatments are through Allah alone. The oils can be prayed into and blessed and then use to soothe the ailing area.


Although Ritual oils are commonly used during rituals and spiritual events, they can be used on daily basis for protection and ablutions of the body; in cases where they are used for the body, they may be referred to as anointing oils. Other uses of ritual oils may include protection from witches, Jinn and spirits during an exorcism.


Roohani online spiritual help makes the best quality Ritual protection oils that are naturally potent and Islamically empowered and fortified to ward off evil and offer protection during or after a ritual period. By Allah’s grace our protection oils will help in keeping you safe and aid completion of your rituals and goals while preventing attacks from enemies and black magic tools. Our oils are of the highest quality available in 3ml bottles which can be used in very little quantity due to the potency of the oil. Roohani online spiritual help oils are made with constituents from the middle-east that are extremely difficult to find and must be empowered with a ritual to make it very effective for its purposes.


Some items which one can use protection oils with include:



Ritual oils can be used in some ways with candles. One can submerge the candle in the oil and light round a prayer area or ritual ground to ward off the presence of Jinn, Spirits and Devils. This combination is very effective as the candle burns off the wax and oil and keeps a protective circle around one.


Ritual tools

Protection Oils can also be used to anoint ritual tools to increase their power, performance and effectiveness. Ritual protection oils can also be used to cleanse all new or previously used tools before using them for the ritual.

Rings and Jewelry

Protection oils can be used to cleanse and empower sacred rings and jewellery. Heating rings and jewellery in protective ritual oils allows absorption of power and spiritual abilities that the oil was made for. This jewellery and rings can be worn about to ward off evil demons, black magic and other spiritual attacks during rituals and prayers.


Other information


Depending on the power and effectiveness, these Ritual protection oils can take seven to ten days (10-14 days) to produce.

For most effective protection outcomes, the protection oils can be used with recitations from the Holy Quran especially verses such as Surah Al-Fatiha, Ayat ul-Kursi and Surah Al-Muawiddhat.


Product summary


Name – Powerful Ritual Protection Ruqya oil


Purposes – Protection of oneself, families and valuables from black

magic and other spiritual attacks.

Protection during Rituals and Prayers

Empowerment of Taweez and Amulets


Volume – 3ml


Duration – 10 to 14 days for completion.



Conclusion (Call to action)

Ensure the safety of you, your loved ones and your belongings and ward off evil spirits and jinn by Allah’s leave through highly powerful ritual protection oils. Our specially prepared oils will anoint your valuables and keep them off-limits to evil attacks, black magic and devils by the mercy of Allah. Simply enter the number of Roohani online spiritual help protection oils needed and add to your cart.

May Allah’s protection be with us always.



Please Note: Product picture is just for display purposes only 

Please understand, regardless of how amazing and Powerful this custom-made Oli is Alhamdulillah this custom-made oil is a powerful means to assist you if Allah Subhana Wa’Tala wills. Lastly and most importantly, If Allah Subhana Wa’Tala does not will for something to happen, then nothing in this world or any other can make it happen.


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