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Powerful Amulets/Talismans and Entity Inhabited Objects: A Few Important Notes

talisman, taweez and inhabited spiritual items

The culture of wearing amulets and talismans is as old as the uses of magic in the history of human existence. People seek these items of occult nature to achieve various goals, including spiritual protection, strong divine attachment, acquisition of worldly goals, or strong human relationships. 

As wide as the range of human desires are, amulets and talismans can also be created to fulfill a number of different objectives. In their own categories, these spiritual objects stand out for what they are created, with some inhabited by khudam/djinn and others possessing immense talismanic power. 

People often don’t understand what it means to own occult objects that are inhabited by some spiritual entities. After all, a spiritual item may come both in the form of an entity inhabited object or one without any specific entity. 

Well, it certainly depends on the objectives a person wants to achieve with the help of an amulet or talisman. If someone’s goal is fairly specific, he/she probably wants a spiritual item that’s inhabited by a spiritual entity — a khodam, djinn, or muwakkil angel. On the other hand, if a person wants to be accompanied by some spiritual force that could help attain an assortment of goals, he/she may consider a talisman or an amulet.  

When to Consider an Entity Inhabited Object (Instead of an Amulet or Talisman)?

An item inhabited by a spiritual entity should be considered and treated very carefully. Far from being a general-purpose spiritual force, such items are often created with a specific goal in mind. The underlying idea is that, just like us humans, the entity that inhabits such a spiritually powered item is usually specialized in one single area. Just like a person cannot usually be a  basketball player and a mountaineer or a teacher and a comedian at the same time, a khodam or djinn that resides in a spiritual item can only specialize in one area. As a matter of fact, your inhabited spiritual item can only be prepared once it’s determined what it is that you want to achieve with the help of your khodam. Based on your specific goal, your spiritual healer conjures an entity that he believes has the needed spiritual power and then makes it reside within that specific spiritual item. You carry it around, gradually building a spiritual bond with the entity, and having it provide the best possible help and support in times of need. For example, if it’s a protection-purpose entity inhabited object, your khodam will make sure that you’re always protected from any harmful spiritual effects or evil forces around you — with the help of Allah (swt).

Entity Inhabited Object or Talisman/Amulet?

There’s no set-in-stone rule here. Depending on your desired objectives, you may go with either of the two options. Remember though that if you’re going to have an entity inhabited object, it’s like having a spiritually powerful force around you all the time, but that force is only able to help you in certain areas (and not all). By the same token, if you decided to own a custom amulet or talisman, you’ll still be enjoying great benefits from occult forces, but there won’t be a dedicated entity — djinn or khodam — who you may instruct or seek help from at will. 
The best approach, as always, is to consult a spiritual amil before making any decision. At Roohani Online Spiritual Help, we make sure people get the most effective and spiritually relevant items for their needs. So make it a point to consult us before making that important decision of choosing between an entity inhabited object or an amulet/talisman.  
Brother Wasim Roohani Online Spiritual Help Experts in the Field of Spiritual Healing Paranormal & Occult
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