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Perform Ritual/Amliyat For Misbehaving child or Adults


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Perform Ritual/Amliyat For Misbehaving Child or Adults

This service can be used for any relationship problems with children or adult parents who are having problems with their children.

It is a Ritual / Amliyat that we will be performing. to resolve the problems of parents who are having problems with their children Inshallah

Some examples of what it can be used for below

  • adults or children who are disrespectful to their parents.
  • child or adults that have left home or run away from home and are not returning.
  • child or adults having a haram relationship.
  • child or adults who are not listening to their parent’s good advice.
  • children and adults that are having negative effects from other individuals.



Due to how long this Ritual takes I can only do it for 2 people at a time so if it is out of service you will have to wait till available again.

As with all our spiritual work.

Only Allah can give you a guarantee we just try to help inshallah Allah help the ones that help themselves. It is up to Allah if all spiritual service Rituals / Amliyat etc are allowed to work or not. We do not give false hope or false promises Alhamdulillah.

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Brother Wasim Roohani Online Spiritual Help Experts in the Field of Spiritual Healing Paranormal & Occult
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