Protected: Dua Barhatiyah Application of Asma Birhatihin (Method of Practice) Secret knowledge/Ruhani ilm/Noori ilm Method
May 17, 2016
Khatm/Ritual ul Awliya/Saint Methods
May 25, 2016
Khatm/Ritual ul Awliya/Saint Methods
May 25, 2016
Protected: Dua Barhatiyah Application of Asma Birhatihin (Method of Practice) Secret knowledge/Ruhani ilm/Noori ilm Method
May 17, 2016

The video is a in-depth Discussion about Secret knowledge/Ruhani ilm/Noori ilm in tasawwuf sufism And about the different practices that are included in sufism  The Lecture that the person gives in this video We’ll answer your question.


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